• Income Tax Returns
  • New Business & Government Registration
  • GST Registration



Please note that we have observed there are various methods used to defraud the public at large including JBSG Consultancy customers through communication made with the unauthorized use of JBSG Consultancy name and brand. The fraudsters are falsely presenting themselves as JBSG Consultancy employees, customer service representatives, or agents.
The purpose of such activities is to induce you to provide sensitive information or to pay a fee through a web-link or through other modes of communication. Please refrain from transferring any money or providing any details to such persons before verifying their authenticity. Delhivery or its representatives would never ask you to make additional payment for delivering any order.

The purpose of such activities is to induce you to provide sensitive information or to pay a fee through a web-link or through other modes of communication. Please refrain from transferring any money or providing any details to such persons before verifying their authenticity. JBSG Consultancy or its representatives would never ask you to make additional payment for providing any service.

You are strongly advised to use only our official website to communicate with JBSG Consultancy. Many contact numbers or web-links provided over the internet and claiming to be JBSG Consultancy customer care may be fraudulent. If you believe you are the victim of fraud resulting from such activities, you may reach out to local law enforcement authorities. JBSG Consultancy shall not be held liable or responsible for any claims, losses, damages, expenses, or other inconvenience resulting from or in any way connected to these fraudulent activities. However, JBSG Consultancy may, at its discretion, take reasonable steps to support any legal proceedings initiated against individuals undertaking such fraudulent activities.